Hello I would have the need to activate the resistance of pullup on a arduino digital pins to use it for a sensor but in the ferduino code is not active const byte sensoreosmosi = 13 ; pinMode(sensoreosmosi, INPUT_PULLUP); logically pin 13 I'm using I freed from fanpin on which I assigned another pi...
hello fernando I have problems to run the serial port 1 hardware with the code ferduino whether the use without ferduino uploaded works I added this to the setup screen Serial1.begin(9600); //inizializza seriale 1 delay (2000); then if I send a command like this or any command Serial1.println("...
I wanted to try the ache sim900 gsm module with its library but it is a problem if I use the library alone to send a text message it all works ok If I include the library <sim900.h> ferduino not add anything in me error in compilation 'SetFont' was not declared in this scope a very strange thing It ...
I would make topping up system of evaporated water with the use of only one float in sump on temporary protection after 10 seconds if the sensor has not arrived to the off position you must stop the pump and trigger an alarm at the same time if the sesore returns off the first of 10 seconds must alw...
connected all right but with the small network adapter gives me: please insert a SD Card https://s12.postimg.org/qckih3zbx/IMG_20161016_163105.jpg if you put the shield network card works well doing same links them https://s18.postimg.org/dfbme8ozd/IMG_20161016_163535.jpg
This works because the ethernet library has been modified by you right? because I have upgraded your library via IDE 1.6.9 and does not work anymore if you get back your library back to work