With this project you can buy the PCB and build your own board.
You can buy the PCB from Itead Studio by example.
With this project is possible build a board with 8 Mean Well LDD drivers and 2 SCW converter for fans.
http://ferduino.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... SCW12V.rar
With this project is possible build a board with 4 Mean Well LDD drivers and 1 SCW converter for fans.
http://ferduino.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... SCW12V.rar
With this project is possible build a board with 5 Mean Well LDD drivers .
http://ferduino.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... -LDD_H.rar
The file .sch and .brd you can open using the Eagle CAD.
The gerber files you can open using the Gerbv.
To open the files go to File / Open layer(s) and select the gerber files.
Warning: I'm not responsible by any problem. If you have any question about this projects, ask to the author on link below.
Credits: O2Surplus
Source: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2222702