Forum Members section LED light and others Free projects for LDD boards

Free projects for LDD boards

Post Number:#1 Post Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:06 pm
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With this project you can buy the PCB and build your own board.

You can buy the PCB from Itead Studio by example.

With this project is possible build a board with 8 Mean Well LDD drivers and 2 SCW converter for fans. ... SCW12V.rar


With this project is possible build a board with 4 Mean Well LDD drivers and 1 SCW converter for fans. ... SCW12V.rar


With this project is possible build a board with 5 Mean Well LDD drivers . ... -LDD_H.rar


The file .sch and .brd you can open using the Eagle CAD.

The gerber files you can open using the Gerbv.

To open the files go to File / Open layer(s) and select the gerber files.

Warning: I'm not responsible by any problem. If you have any question about this projects, ask to the author on link below.

Credits: O2Surplus


Enjoy. :)
Post your doubts on forum because it can help another user too. Just PM me for support if it's absolutely necessary.

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