When using this board NodeMCU and ethernet shield or modules are not needed.
1 x TFT touch screen with resolution 400 x 240. (Optional)
1 X TFT shield (Optional)
1 x RTC DS3231 module without external EEPROM (Mandatory)
3 x Temperature sensor DS18B20 (Optional)
1 x Relay board (Optional)

Prototype shield or screw shield (Optional)
Using this screw shield from Aqualed Light, RTC and TFT shield are not needed.

1 x Ethernet shield W5100, module or ESP8266 - WiFi module (Optional)

6 x Float switch (Optional)
6 x Dosing pump (Optional)
Circuits pH, ORP and EC (Optional)
1 x Multiplexer (Optional)
1 x PCF8575 (Mandatory)
Warning: The red module with PCF8575C IC doesn't work properly with ULN transistors array. The correct IC to work with ULN is PCF8575TS
1 x SD card 1 or 2 GB fomatted as FAT (Mandatory)
When using WiFi module without a TFT a SD card module is needed.