Forum Software Joyreef app Feature request

Feature request  [SOLVED]

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Post Number:#1 Post Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:34 pm
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I would like to request a feature. I would like it to be possible to assign allerts to float switches. For example I want to place one switch high in my sump so that if my pump breakes down and water level rises to max in my sump I get an alert. And one float in my skimmer bowl so i get warning when i have a skimmer overflow.

Post Number:#2 Post Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:04 pm
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This function is done in Ferduino code. Danilo will add this alert to Joyreef when he have some free time.

You need work with this function to reach your requirements.

In the tab "parametros":

void check_nivel() // Verifica o nível do reef e fish only.
if((analogRead(sensor5) > 400) ||(analogRead(sensor6) > 400) || (analogRead(sensor2) < 400) && (bitRead(tpa_status,1) == false))
nivel_status =true; // Sinaliza nivel baixo em um dos aquários ou sump
nivel_status =false; // Sinaliza nível normal dos aquários e sump

You can use only 1 value (nivel_status) to all sensors.

Best regards.
Post your doubts on forum because it can help another user too. Just PM me for support if it's absolutely necessary.

Post Number:#3 Post Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:46 pm
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Using latest version of Ferduino code and new web interface is possible receive individual alert for level sensors.

Only edit the function "void check_nivel()" in "parametros" tab according to your requirements where the variable "nivel_statusX" is true to wrong level and false to normal level.

Best regards.
Post your doubts on forum because it can help another user too. Just PM me for support if it's absolutely necessary.

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