Forum Software Ferduino code LED controller

LED controller  [SOLVED]

Post Number:#1 Post Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:42 am
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Question regarding the setup hardware and software.

If I use a mega board with built in esp8266 with a PCA9685 shield on top. Using Ferduino code and Joyreef to control via WiFi, will it work?

I've omitted the RTC as the idea it'll use internet time and by using Joyreef I shouldn't need a touch screen.

Is it that simple?

Also how would I go about installing the code, Ferduino first on the Arduino, but what about Joyreef I can't find any code for that?

Thanks in advance,


Post Number:#2 Post Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:25 pm
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Welcome Stefan!

If I use a mega board with built in esp8266 with a PCA9685 shield on top.

Can you give me links for this parts?

Why do you want use a PCA9685? How many LED channels are needed for your project?

Using Ferduino code and Joyreef to control via WiFi, will it work?

Actually Joyreef is not compatible with Ferduino.

Joyreef works only with Danilo's dosing pump project. You can find more information here.

Ferduino has your own web interface and you can find it here.

Ferduino can work without a TFT just comment out this line in Configuration.h.

#define USE_TFT

Best regards.
Post your doubts on forum because it can help another user too. Just PM me for support if it's absolutely necessary.

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